Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Five Happiness Eagerly Awaits New Arrival

A hummingbird's one hundred and sixty beats per minute, our newest family member's heart rate, as was officially checked at Chapel Hill's Birth Center, earlier this afternoon.

It's true, we're expecting the currently moniker-ed "Zigan the Zygote" sometime at the end of February, (the 28th.) Tallulah thinks it's a boy. Bradley thinks it's a boy. Felicity thinks girl.  I could be the proud father of two little girls. wow.

This is exciting for us, especially me, as I'm an only child. The idea of two babies running around is quite new and the challenge is wonderful!

So, that's all for now, but we'll keep you updated as we know more!

We Remain,

Five Happiness (we're firing a dog to maintain our numbers.)

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